JWOC integration: On Wednesday 13th JWOC Sprint Relay will be in the same area as TOUR stage 3, providing you with the opportunity to watch the world’s best Juniors prior to your race. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to experience the same course type in this very demanding urban terrain. JWOC Sprint Medal Relay mass start will be at 8h30.
Map: Carapito
Terrain: Typical small village from the centre of Portugal. The area has a moderate climb (for a sprint race). Most of the roads are very small and narrow. No asphalt on most of the roads. Athletes can expect pavê (granite blocks) instead.
Mapping: Rafael Miguel (Portugal) 2017. Updated to ISSprOM 2019-2 in June 2022. Old version can be found on JWOC 2022 webpage.
Course setting: Daniel Silva and Rafael Miguel
Contour interval: 2,5 meters
Arena location: Arena Carapito (40.772139, -7.462694)
Driving to the Arena Carapito parking: To reach Arena Carapito parking it is mandatory to follow Organizer’s instructions (arrows from the Event Center to Arena Carapito), otherwise there is a high risk of entering embargoed area. The arrival to Arena Carapito parking need to be done from West side – at N330 road, drivers must take the exit “Eirado” & “Carapito”, as indicated by Organizer’s arrows. All the other access possibilities to Carapito are forbidden to use. Entering Carapito urban area by car is, naturally, strictly forbidden. On site, please follow instructions from Organizers for parking.
Parking to Arena: Walking distance between 1000 and 1400 meters. The way from parking to Arena will be marked using arrows.
Start: Precise information about Start location will not be given. Start location will be marked from the Arena.
First Start: 12h00
Open, W/M10 & W/M12 classes start window: 12h15 to 12h45
Courses information: The distance for the courses of this stage are similar to the ones of the stage 2 of JWOC Tour